Category Archives: Evangelism

Roger Ebert, Non-Believers, and The Hope of Christ

* Posted by Brandon Smith Roger Ebert has been a powerhouse journalist for over 40 years. My generation may perhaps know him best as the co-host of the Emmy-nominated movie review show Siskel and Ebert at the Movies or the later version, Ebert and Roeper at the Movies which gave two thumbs up to movies that both critics recommended. He is also a highly acclaimed newspaper columnist, and the first … Continue reading

The Beautiful Gospel

*Posted by Winston Hottman They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But is that true? Check out our podcast, Beauty and Excellence,as Criswell Colleges resident philosophers, Drs. Creamer and Wooddell, discuss the objectivity of beauty and how it relates to the gospel.

Don’t Give Up

*Posted by Joe Wooddell I am not sure if the following is encouraging, discouraging, or in a sense both. But it is true: Sometimes no matter how good of an argument we give, no matter how loving, self-sacrificing, and obedient to God we are, and sometimes no matter how much we pray, some people will never turn to Jesus. Do not quit doing these things; we are commanded to do … Continue reading

Hospitality as an Instrument for the Gospel

*Posted by Andrew Hebert. Andrew blogs regularly at Looks Like Reign. Hospitality . . . means primarily the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Henri Nouwen Hospitality the discipline of opening up your life, home, and resources to those around you is a lost art. I should actually say, it is a Biblical command that has been at … Continue reading

Jackrabbits, Ping Pong, and the Inescapable Role of Theology in Spirituality

*Posted by Owen Strachan. For more posts from Owen, visit his blog at Billy Sunday is a heroic figure in evangelical history. By the end of his life, it was widely believed that no one had preached the gospel to more people than the one-time Chicago White Stocking centerfielder, once the fastest man in baseball. More than almost any other figure of his generation, Sunday had a passion to … Continue reading