Category Archives: Family

Somewhere Softer and Safer

by Kirk Spencer The other night, I was checking doors before I went to bed. All the doors were locked and the lights were off. I made my way through the dark house, to each bedroom to check on my kids, to stand in the doorway, to walk to their side, stand over them and catch a glimpse of that most peaceful thing in all the worlda childs face in … Continue reading

Historic Pro-Life Bill to Come Before Texas Legislature

*Winston Hottman In a special session called by Governor Rick Perry, the Texas legislature will be voting this week on House Bill 2, an historic piece of legislation that should drastically reduce the number of abortions in the state. Texas Right to Life has provided a list of things you can do to participate in the efforts to get the bill passed: 1. Pray and intercedefor wisdom, courage, and strength … Continue reading

Homosexuality and Heterosexual Sin

*Posted by Winston Hottman Jerry Walls, Professor in Philosophy at Houston Baptist University, explains what is necessary for Christians to challenge homosexual behavior with integrity: So here is the main point at which I am driving. Christians have no chance whatever of challenging homosexual behavior with integrity unless they start with the sexual sins of heterosexuals. We cannot take a morally credible stand against the sexual sins of the small … Continue reading

The Future of Religious Liberty

*The following is a post by Ben Domenech, editor of Houston Baptist Universitys The City journal. The piece originally appeared in Domenechs daily email newsletterThe Transom. You can subscribe here. This week should bring two significant Supreme Court decisions on the matter of same sex marriage, in the cases of Hollingsworth v. Perry (the California Proposition 8 case) and the United States v. Windsor (the DOMA issue). Personally, I think … Continue reading

As Long As We Both Shall Lease

*Posted by Kirk Spencer A while back, I was listening to a talk-radio program and the DJ (or TJ in this case) brought up the topic of co-habitation. While listening, it became clear that there were at least two defining aspects of cohabitation: (1) not-being-married and (2) sleeping-together. This didnt surprise me because the dominant media culture has made it clear that premarital, and extramarital, and postmarital sex is the … Continue reading

The Gospel and the (Im)perfect Marriage

*Posted by Winston Hottman **This piece orginally appeared at the Councilon Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. According to Merriam-Webster, perfectionism can be defined as follows: A disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable; especially the setting of unrealistically demanding goals accompanied by a disposition to regard failure to achieve them as unacceptable and a sign of personal worthlessness. Despite the need for a little more nuancing, this description serves … Continue reading

Kermit Gosnell and the Culture of Death

*Posted by Brandon Smith. This post originally appeared at Project TGM. The picture to the left is my daughter, Harper Grace Smith, on March 29, 2013. In this photo and subsequent photos and videos, we were shown her developed vital organs, her strong heartbeat, and her incessant kicking and squirming. According to U.S. law, we could decide to stop these things from ever happening again. If we didnt want her, … Continue reading

Marriage, Society, and the Created Order

*Guest post by Michael Cooper. Michael serves as Assistant to the President at Criswell College where he is alsopursuing a degree inBiblical Studies and Languages. In a 2012 New York Times article entitledStrong Marriages and Economies an intriguing point was made: The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home; rather, the size of families, and their stability and quality, has important implications for … Continue reading

Lessons for a Soon-to-Be Dad

*Posted by Winston Hottman Our contributing editor, Brandon Smith, has an article up at The Gospel Coalition where he discusses the four lessons he is learning as a soon-to-be dad. Its worth checking out!

Little Emperors

*Posted by Daisy Reynolds. Daisy is the Assistant Director of Academic Affairs at Criswell College where she is also studying for a Master of Divinity. A study of little emperors was recently published in the Science journal. The term little emperors refers to the children born to urban families in China under the one child policy implemented in 1979. The policy was created to control population in overcrowded cities, and … Continue reading