Historic Pro-Life Bill to Come Before Texas Legislature

*Winston Hottman

In a special session called by Governor Rick Perry, the Texas legislature will be voting this week on House Bill 2, an historic piece of legislation that should drastically reduce the number of abortions in the state.

Texas Right to Life has provided a list of things you can do to participate in the efforts to get the bill passed:

1. Pray and intercedefor wisdom, courage, and strength for all of the elected officials who will vote on this measure. Pray that they will all stand for life regardless of the spiritual, emotional, and physical attacks leveled against them.

2. Call and email YOUR Representative and Senatorstarting on Monday with a simple message, Please speak, stand, and vote FORHB2. My support will be significantly determined by the vote on this bill. You may also sign up for text alerts from Governor Perry by texting LIFE to 21824.
Visit this link to confirm your correct Representative and Senator:http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx

3. Come to the Texas State Capitolin Austin for the hearings and/or the final vote in each chamber when scheduled. We must not let the majority of Pro-Life Texas citizens be unorganized on this critical issue at this critical hour. (Committee and vote schedule details will be sent when available.)

4. Encourage your Pastor to personally use every communication availableof pulpit, email, text, etc., to call out your congregation to join you in attending. There will be a special meeting space set aside near the Capitol as a reception area for pastors to pick up information packets, rest, and pray! Watch for more information, or email Dave Welch at[email protected].

5. Encourage your family, friends, co-workers and church members to join youin these efforts. Use thehashtag#Stand4Lifeon Twitter to show support for all Life. There is definitely strength in numbers. Now is the time to show that the majority of Texans are Pro-Life.

For information on how you can help, see the Texas Right to Life website here.

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